Perry Xu

PhD Student in Genetics, Genomics and Development
Google Scholar

Mar 2023–present

Hi I’m Perry! I am a PhD student in Genetics, Genomics and Development. I’m interested in using computational methods to answer questions in broad evolutionary biology and population genetics field. Before coming to Cornell, I worked on the temporal differences of activities of somatic transposable elements insertions in early human brains in Dr. Yong Zhang’s lab. I also worked on genetic basis of the sex determination mechanisms in betta fish and the allelopathy of rice in Dr. Rasmus Nielsen’s lab, instructed by Dr. Hongru Wang. In my graduate studies in Kim lab, I plan to work on TB, and am currently working on TB transmissibility inference. I enjoy gaming on Nintendo switch, mangas and painting in my spare time.


  • 2022 B.S. in Biological Science. University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China
  • 2021 GLOBE program in bioengineering, University of California, Berkeley

Bayesian phylodynamic inference of population dynamics with dormancy

e3SIM: epidemiological-ecological-evolutionary simulation framework for genomic epidemiology